What our Customers say...

General Testimonials

Michael is a detail oriented person. When he works a claim you know it is done right because he does it by the book. He is very good with customers and treats every loss as if it was his own property. He is very charitable and does what he can for each customer even if the loss is not covered by insurance. It is a pleasure to work with Mike because I know when he says a job is done I can be assured that it was done right with integrity and honesty. Steven B. Yeager

I have known Michael for several years. His SERVPRO franchise has always done quality work and tried to do it in a timely manner. He has been able to handle extremely large jobs and also the smaller jobs and still keep the customer happy. He is not afraid to tackle any size job. I would be happy to work with Michael and his staff.

Richard Hastings SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Co and SERVPRO Missouri Directorship